Empowering you on your journey toward optimal health

Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., R.K.C.


I am proud to be RockTape FMT (Fascial Movement Taping) Level 1 and Level 2 (Advanced) Rock Doc Certified.

Kinesiotape has been around since the 1970’s but only recently has this treatment become mainstream due to athletes wearing it during the Olympics.

I have chosen to work with and use the RockTape brand as their product tends to stick on the skin longer than other brands.  RockTape is the brand used by and endorsed by CrossFit because it holds up under rigorous exercise and sweat.

In my practice I use RockTape when I want to support muscles while they are healing, but still allow patients to go about their every day lives.

RockTape also lifts the skin to help with circulation and swelling.  Use of RockTape has been shown to help with muscle spasms and pain.  I have personally seen how the use of this product helps my Ehlers-Danlos (EDS – Hyper Mobile) patients with their pain.

Below is an informative video explaining how RockTape works.

Yours In Health!


“This book is great! Fitness and chiropractic care are becoming more mainstream with elite athletes, and professional sports organizations now benefit by utilizing the expertise of team chiropractors. From kettlebells to nutrition, ‘The 7 Steps To Amazing Health’ has some great insights to help anyone reach another level of fitness.”

Stew Smith, CSCS

Former Navy SEAL / Fitness Author

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