Stew Smith, CSCS

“This book is great! Fitness and chiropractic care are becoming more mainstream with elite athletes, and professional sports organizations now benefit by utilizing the expertise of team chiropractors. From kettlebells to nutrition, ‘The 7 Steps To Amazing Health’ has...

Edward Jackowski

“Dr. Wendy’s ‘7 Steps’ approach is exactly what we all need to help take charge of our lives.” Edward Jackowski Ph. D. Best-Selling...

Carmen Palumbo

“Dr. Wendy Schauer relays the understanding of ‘Total Wellness’ to her clients in a way that is relatable and eye opening.” Carmen Palumbo Actress / Spokesperson /...

Mark Edgar Stephens

“Dr. Wendy possesses a level of commitment, intelligence, common sense, and humanity that allows her to share her message of wellness in a way that can be understood and applied by anyone.” Mark Edgar Stephens Executive Coach /...

Michael George

“In Dr. Wendy’s, ‘7 Steps’ she shares with us her own journey of health and healing. She also provides us with a guide map that we can all follow on our own path and journey. Start your journey today and read this book!” Michael George Celebrity...