(Sure it’s a line out of the Bill Murray movie, “What About, Bob?”…but it can definitely help you get the results you want.)
We all want change and we want it NOW! We want to lose weight, be healthier, be happier all in an instant. You and I both know that lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. It is the little consistent steps we take that get us to our goal. Most people I know are all or nothing. They jump into change and go gung-ho until they burn out three days later. They go 500 miles an hour and hit the wall.
So how do you make change? With Baby Steps. Here are some suggestions for making change.
1. Drink one extra glass of water a day.
2. Eat one extra serving of vegetables a day.
3. Walk 5 minutes a day.
4. Do 30 seconds of stretching several times per day.
5. Do 5 squats or push-ups during television commercials.
6. Park farther away from the store and take your cart back.
7. Close your eyes for 30 seconds and deep breathe.
8. Go to bed 10 minutes earlier.
9. Read one positive quote per day.
10. Take 5 minutes to listen to your favorite music.
11. Eliminate one sugary treat per day.
12. Dance (okay maybe just wiggle) to one song a day.
13. Compliment someone. It will make you feel better.
14. Write down something you want to accomplish and read it every day.
15. Draw a picture, even if it is a stick figure. It will help bring out your creative side.
Pick one or several and start your Baby Stepping today!
Yours In Health!