Many times I have heard someone say that they weren’t polite to someone because the other person wasn’t polite to them. What happens if you are polite – even if the other person wasn’t but then it made that person stop to think? Maybe the next time or the 20th time they finally start being polite. I believe if you lead by example and don’t stoop to the other person’s level change can happen. I believe that it is time to go back to the Golden Rule – treat others as you want to be treated.

When someone holds a door open for you please acknowledge them and say thank you. When someone lets you in in traffic take the time to wave your hand as a thank you gesture. Stop using your cell phone when you are in line at the grocery store and say hello and thank you to the courtesy clerk. Look the waitress/waiter in the eye when ordering, don’t treat them like slaves.
Saying Please and Thank You can make a big difference in someone’s day. Lets see if we can start making a positive change in the world by starting to use these simple words.
Yours In Health!