1. Must be fun, okay…maybe enjoyable. I LOVE working out with kettlebells. If you hate what you are doing then try something else. Swimming, walking, pilates, gyrotonics, aerobics, yoga….
2. Your exercise must raise your heart rate. A slow stroll around the park is great for movement but does nothing for your cardiovascular system.
3. No slacking. You must give 100% and you must be focused.

4. Step outside of your comfort zone. I remember how pumped I felt when I snatched the 28 kg bell (63 lbs.) I usually snatched the 16 kg and the 20, rarely the 24 and never the 28. But one day I did it and I was WAY outside my comfort zone. Well worth it.
5. Change your routine intermittently so you and your body doesn’t get bored. I jump rope and alternate walk/run when I don’t do kettlebells.
6. Interval train. 30 seconds to 1 minute of hard work then 30 seconds of rest. Keep this up for 25-30 minutes.
7. Stretch but not right before exercise. I do small stretches throughout the day to help keep me flexible. I have found the body responds better to frequent stretching for small amounts of time rather than once for a longer time.
8. Do joint mobility/ranges of motion exercises before working out.
9. Move every day. Do your hard exercising 3-4 times per week then something lighter on the off days. I will hula hoop while watching television or do crunches or squats.
10. Be consistent. See Number 9. Exercise must be part of your lifestyle. I have found that patients who exercise for health stick with it longer than if it is done for weight loss.
Yours In Health!