One thing I never let people say in my office is, “I guess I am just getting old”. I don’t let patients play the age card. I have seen patients of all ages make changes. It depends on IF you want to make a change.
It does take effort and consistency.
I tell my patients I want to be 12 again. When I was 12, I didn’t have to exercise or stretch. I played sports because it was fun, not because I was supposed to exercise. Now I have to stretch and do my core exercises daily in order to stay functioning and functionally fit. I have to work out with kettlebells to keep my cardio and strength up.
If I go longer than three days without doing my core exercises or longer than a week without doing kettlebells I start getting stiff and sore. I refuse to give into the pain so I stay on top of my exercise program.
Whatever your choice of exercise is you need to do it consistently. Consistency is THE key. The stretches I give patients to help with their pain need to be done daily. 30 seconds several times per day is all it takes to make a change. Never settle with pain, don’t get used to it. Keep working at being in the best shape of your life.
So what can you do?
1. Start parking several parking stalls over from your usual so you can get more walking in.
2. Walk down the street to the corner and back. So what if it takes you 5 minutes. I have a patient who started walking 10 minutes a day – 5 minutes one way then 5 minutes back. She is now up to 20 minutes a day and has done this consistently for over a month. Do you think she is making great changes? You bet she is!

3. Do 5 squats during commercials.
4. Pull your tummy to your spine and hold 5 seconds. Do this 5-10-100 times per day.
5. Take your cart back to the store after you have unloaded your groceries.
6. Take the stairs at work or walk up the escalator instead of standing.
7. Do squats while you are brushing your teeth.
8. Stretch your arms behind you as you walk to the bathroom or in line at the grocery store. This will bring your shoulder blades back and help with neck and upper back pain.
9. Cross your leg and bend forward to stretch your hips. Do this when you are in a meeting or sitting at lunch.
10. Decide to make a change and stick with it.
Yours In Health!